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Unsere Stellenausschreibungen

Bringen Sie Ihre Karriere voran — entdecken Sie verschiedene Rollen in der Softwareentwicklung und gestalten Sie die Zukunft der Technologie mit.

Experienced Project Manager

Kraków, Office or Remote

4,300€ - 10,000€ / month (B2B)

Experienced React Developer

Kraków, Office or Remote

4,300€ - 10,000€ / month (B2B)

Experienced Node.js Developer

Kraków, Office or Remote

4,300€ - 10,000€ / month (B2B)

Application submitted! What now?


We will send a reply and an invitation to an online meeting


Selected persons will be invited to the second phase of recruitment


We will assess your capabilities and propose conditions


We will welcome you warmly in our team (and we will start working)